Chapter 328: Really Goodbye Now

"Gu Mingyu, be careful!"

Gu Mingyu's actions not only angered the injured wild boar but also enraged the other uninjured boars. Seeing the three boars recklessly charging towards Gu Mingyu, An Xiangrong couldn't help but yell out.

Although the man moved swiftly, his foot was still knocked by the injured boar. However, in that instant, Gu Mingyu drove the dagger in his hand into the boar's other eye.

Blood splattered all over Gu Mingyu, but there was no emotion visible in his eyes.

The fierceness in Gu Mingyu's eyes made the other two boars halt, but they didn't leave. They just kept staring at him.

In a few seconds, the two boars charged at Gu Mingyu again. Seeing this, panic filled An Xiangrong's eyes, but the events she feared didn't happen. The two charging boars fell to the ground, followed by Chui Rong's voice, "Young Master Gu?"

Chui Rong was holding a hunting rifle, followed by a police officer.