Chapter 338: How Did You Return So Soon?

Turning to the man beside her, An Xiangrong couldn't help but ask, "What's special about today?"

It wasn't Gu Mingyu's birthday, nor hers, nor any of their children's. Aside from these occasions, An Xiangrong really couldn't figure out what made today unique.

However, Gu Mingyu seemed unwilling to explain, simply handing her the tableware with a smile.

After An Wei finished eating, Gu Mingyu shooed him into the study, leaving only Gu Mingyu and An Xiangrong in the courtyard.

Sitting on the swing, An Xiangrong shifted her gaze to the man standing behind her. "Aren't you going to tell me?"

"Do you remember when we first met?"

Hearing Gu Mingyu's words, An Xiangrong was taken aback.

Of course, she remembered their first encounter. At that time, Gu Mingyu was the illegitimate son of the Gu family, and on his first visit to the An family, he was tricked by Gu Mo'an into falling into the swimming pool, even though he couldn't swim.

"That day was also the 6th of November."