Chapter 346: Paper Cannot Wrap Fire

Hearing An Xiangrong's words, Yuan Hao's eyes were filled with discomfort, but he did not dare to say anything. He knew that An Xiangrong did not like him and looked down on him, but in front of so many people, Yuan Hao did not expect An Xiangrong to disregard his dignity like this.

As if knowing what he was thinking, An Xiangrong lightly laughed. Although her face was full of smiles, there was not even a slight hint of amusement in her eyes. All there was mockery. Looking at Yuan Hao, An Xiangrong went on, "Yuan Hao, I know you are good at deceiving women, but don't forget that the more you wander in the night, the more likely you are to encounter ghosts."

"Whether it's the Zhou family or the Lin Family, they are not ordinary households. Once your manipulations are exposed, you'll be ruined. So your current complacency is nothing but playing with fire."