Chapter 361: What Did You Say?

"Can you drive?"

At the entrance of the hospital, a black car came to a sudden halt. It had been raining in Rong City for days, puddles scattered along the sidewalk. Lin Shanshan was right beside the road when the car stopped, splashing up puddle water right onto the hem of her dress.

The night was slightly chilly, and Lin Shanshan shivered. She was about to curse when she saw who stepped out from the car. If it wasn't Gu Mingyu, then who could it be?

Seeing Gu Mingyu stepping out the car, Lin Shanshan swallowed the curse that had been at the tip of her tongue. Instead, she looked plaintively towards him.

Gu Mingyu frowned when he saw Lin Shanshan. His expression, already cold and stern, became even colder.

He took out a checkbook, wrote an amount on a check, and then handed it to Lin Shanshan.

Lin Shanshan froze at the sight of the check in his hand. Just as she was about to speak, Gu Mingyu beat her to it, impatiently telling her, "This is for your clothes."