Chapter 365: Did You Know About This Long Ago?

Under An Xiangrong's gaze, An Wei pulled out a check, or rather, two checks.

An Wei first handed one check to Gu Mingyu. Watching his son hand him the check, Gu Mingyu raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

Seeing that Gu Mingyu had no intention of speaking, An Wei took the initiative to say, "This is the card you gave me, I'm returning it to you now."

When An Xiangrong saw this, the confusion in her eyes deepened. But she also kept silent.

"You keep it."

"Consider it my investment."

Seeing An Wei frown, Gu Mingyu added the latter part. Looking at the check in his hand, An Wei pondered for a bit then decided to keep that check.

Then, An Wei gave another check to An Xiangrong, "Mom, this is for you."

Hearing An Wei's words, An Xiangrong took the check from An Wei's hand. Seeing the figure on the check, surprise filled An Xiangrong's eyes.