Chapter 373: Did you guess it all?

"You want me to bring Miss Anning here."

As soon as Chu Anran's words fell, An Xiangrong blurted out, and the latter nodded in agreement.

An Xiangrong looked somewhat puzzled. She clearly remembered Chu Anran and Chu Anning's conversation over the phone. As if to clear An Xiangrong's doubts, Chu Anran forced a bitter smile, "The feeling of being alone, I thought it was enough that I was the only one who knew it."

"So, Anning knows nothing about all this."

At first, An Xiangrong didn't quite understand what this meant, but after pondering for a few seconds, she understood.

"Miss Xiangrong, could you personally help me bring Anning here? She likes you a lot. I think if you explain it to her, she'll agree."


Perhaps seeing Chu Anran reminded An Xiangrong of Lin Qing, and in the end, she nodded.

"Thank you."

Seeing An Xiangrong nod, Chu Anran whispered her thanks.