Chapter 381: We Are All Friends

When Chui Rong saw Chu Anran, a hint of a smile flashed through his eyes. Looking around carefully, he finally noticed the bonfire in front of him. "You're awake?"

Having been sitting all night, Chui Rong felt his hands and feet numb. Just as he was about to move carefully, Chu Anran woke up.

Seeing Chui Rong open his eyes, a look of joy appeared in her eyes.

"Miss Chu?"

"You're finally awake, do you feel any pain anywhere? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? You..."

"I'm fine now."

Before Chu Anran could finish speaking, Chui Rong quietly interrupted her.

Just as Chu Anran was about to say something, a sudden embarrassing noise came from her stomach. Hearing this, she wished she could burrow directly into the ground, but Chui Rong, as if he hadn't heard her, stood up from the ground and turned to her, "I'll go find some food. Miss Chu, you just wait here for me."

"No, I'll go with you."