Chapter 395: Bracelet

As An Xiangrong was contemplating, she heard the low voice of Gu Mingyu at her ear. At his words, An Xiangrong couldn't help but look towards the man walking in their direction.

Xu Mo and Chu Yang bore a slight resemblance, but from the outward appearance, Xu Mo was superior. However, seeing the man's expression made An Xiangrong frown: Xu Mo had a gloomy demeanor, which looked somewhat terrifying at first glance.

Just as An Xiangrong was lost in her thoughts, she saw Xu Mo walking towards them. Upon seeing Gu Mingyu and her, Xu Mo's eyes flashed with a bit of surprise, but quickly returned to normal revealing a hint of a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Young Master Gu, Miss Xiangrong?"

"Mr. Xu."

"It's such a pleasure to see Young Master Gu and Miss Xiangrong here."

"Mr. Xu is joking."