Chapter 407: Was It Too Impulsive?

An Xiangrong had initially planned to arrange a caregiver, but seeing Li San's insistence in his eyes, she didn't say anything and just nodded, "Okay, then you stay in the hospital."

Thinking for a moment, as she reached the door, An Xiangrong still turned back and said to Li San, "If anything happens at the hospital, remember to call me."


Seeing Li San nod, An Xiangrong promptly left the hospital with Gu Mingyu.

By the time they left the hospital, it was past midnight. Whether it was due to her pregnancy or something else, An Xiangrong felt genuinely tired. As soon as she sat down in the passenger seat, she felt her eyelids heavy.

"If you're tired, take a nap first, I'll wake you up when we get there."


An Xiangrong was indeed feeling drowsy. Hearing Gu Mingyu's words, she immediately closed her eyes. Initially, she just wanted to rest her eyes, but once she did, overwhelming sleepiness hit her and she promptly fell asleep.