Chapter 418 Be Gentle

"What is this?"

Out of nowhere, a can of black plums appeared in front of her. Seeing what was in Chu Yang's hands, An Xiangrong's eyes were full of surprise.

"I picked them up randomly, here... you... you take it."

As he spoke, Chu Yang shoved the item into An Xiangrong's hands, reminding himself of the wound on her arm when he heard her yelps.

Without paying heed to An Xiangrong's objections, he directly rolled up her sleeve. Seeing the wound, Chu Yang gasped in alarm.

Not only Chu Yang, but even An Xiangrong was startled when she saw the injury. She sought only to leave some information for Gu Mingyu but never intended to get hurt so badly.

An Xiangrong's entire arm was covered in blisters.

"Bear it for a while. As soon as we reach Jinling, I'll get you a doctor."


An Xiangrong felt really uneasy in her stomach. Looking at the can of plums in her hand, she took a bite and put it in her mouth.