Chapter 425: Why Does It Feel Uncomfortable Psychologically?

Upon hearing An Xiangrong's words, there was surprise in Zhong Yao's eyes, but seeing that An Xiangrong's complexion wasn't good, she did not say anything and left the room directly.

The moment Zhong Yao left the room, An Xiangrong immediately locked the door and ran to the window.

But Gu Mingyu and his group had already gone in, leaving only the car in the courtyard.

There was some anxiety in An Xiangrong's eyes. She didn't know how to let Gu Mingyu know she was here.

Perhaps it was fate, in her moment of desperation, she saw a man's figure appear in her line of sight. Gu Mingyu was only looking around the environment. There were dozens of villas in front and behind this area; he didn't know which one An Xiangrong would be in.

But as he was looking around, he suddenly felt a gaze. With a subconscious lift of his head, their eyes met. The man headed straight towards Chu Yang's villa, but suddenly stopped, as if struck by a thought.

"Wait for me."