Chapter 428 You guys are going too far

Before Mu Ye could finish his sentence, Ah Si abruptly cut him off. Seeing that Mu Ye still had something to say, Ah Si took the initiative to speak, "If I were you, I'd be thinking about how to explain this to the Chu and Xu families."

Upon hearing Ah Si's words, the smile in Mu Ye's eyes vanished instantly. Although he had prepared himself for the confrontation with the two families before coming here, he couldn't help feeling a mix of emotions when facing the reality.

"Young Master Mu, wouldn't you like to stay for a cup of tea?"

Seeing that Mu Yan was about to leave, Mu Ye couldn't help but speak up. Glancing at his wristwatch and estimating the time the Chu and Xu families would arrive, Mu Ye reluctantly turned to the man beside him.

As if he hadn't even seen the pleading look in Mu Ye's eyes, Mu Yan plainly responded, "No thanks, I wouldn't want to disturb your business."