Chapter 440: If you like it, I'll go immediately

Upon hearing Chu Yang's words, Xu Mo's eyes were filled with discomfort. As if worried that Xu Mo wasn't angry enough yet, Chu Yang continued, "Xu Mo, what does it feel like to have no biological father of your own, to long occupy someone else's father?"

"People like you will never get real affection because you were born superfluous, you..."

Chu Yang didn't finish his sentence as Xu Mo had already rushed forward, landing a punch on Chu Yang's face.

Seeing Xu Mo's gloomy eyes, Chu Yang just laughed, "What, are you angry, Xu Mo? Doesn't what I said hit the nail on the head? You crave in your heart for paternal and maternal love and when there is none, you seize it. But even if you snatch it away, Xu Mo, does it truly become yours? You an orphan with no mother or father, you..."

"Chu Yang, shut up!"