Chapter 443: Coercion

Upon hearing Chu Yang's voice, Zhong Yao subconsciously looked at him, seeing the undisguised worry in his eyes, Zhong Yao couldn't help but ask, "Chu Yang, are you worried about me?"

"Stop with your nonsense, quickly give me your hand."

After being yelled at by Chu Yang, Zhong Yao's eyes turned red again. She glared at Chu Yang and coldly uttered, "Why are you still bothering with me, don't you know what happened? I…" She couldn't finish the rest. By the end, Zhong Yao's eyes were full of tears.

Seeing the tears in her eyes, Chu Yang felt a heavy sensation in his heart. Seeing his silence, the look in Zhong Yao's eyes became even more pained. "Chu Yang, please let me go."

Zhong Yao's expression resembled one of utter despair. Meeting her gaze, Chu Yang's eyes overflowed with a touch of anger. "Just because of this, you want to seek death? Didn't you say you wanted to marry me? Are you planning on dying before the wedding is even completed?"
