Chapter 446 He May Be Crazy

Just as An Xiangrong was about to speak, urgent knocking sounds came from outside the door. The knocking, sounding more like the door was being broken down, caused a cold glint to flash in Huo Chen's eyes.

Rising from the sofa, Huo Chen walked towards the door. As he was about to open it, his wrist was grabbed by An Xiangrong. She shook her head at him and softly began, "Be careful."

Afterward, An Xiangrong and Cu Yang headed to a room on the side. Only when the door was securely closed did Huo Chen open the main door, "Who are you... It's you?"

Huo Chen had assumed it was the same bodyguard as before, about to address him casually, but he was interrupted as he saw Xu Mo standing at the door.