Chapter 456: What Happened to the Young Master?

Hearing Yaoyao's words, An Wei spoke softly. Although An Wei's voice was quiet, the fat man still heard it and promptly slapped An Wei's face, "Who told you to speak, get moving."

The fat man used substantial force, and five red marks promptly appeared on An Wei's face.

With his hand covering his face, An Wei glared wrathfully at the fat man, "Stinking brat, what are you looking at, don't make me…"

The fat man instinctively lifted his head, but the sight of An Wei's expression frightened him, and he didn't dare to strike him.

At this moment, the skinny man walked over to the fat man, "What are you doing? Do you want to attract everyone's attention?"


Hearing this, the fat man snorted coldly but said nothing. An Wei took Yaoyao into the van- a minivan with no seats in the back, all the kids were squeezed together sitting directly on the floor.