Chapter 460 Only He Can Understand

"The doctor said if he doesn't undergo surgery, he will die. Second Master said he could send my son abroad for surgery. I... I couldn't just watch my son die, I'm sorry."

By the end of this, Zhu Yang's eyes were full of tears. Even though he didn't finish his words, An Xiangrong could guess what had happened.

"So for the sake of your son's life, you want to take mine."

As she spoke, An Xiangrong's eyes were full of complexity. She didn't know what to say. Everyone is selfish, if she were Zhu Yang, she might do the same thing. However, the one being hurt was her child, and An Xiangrong couldn't forgive him.

"No, no..."

Upon hearing An Xiangrong's words, Zhu Yang quickly interrupted, looking to An Xiangrong, he said seriously, "Second Master said he just wants to threaten Young Master Gu with my son, he won't really hurt him."