Chapter 468: Carved from the Same Mold

Hearing the man's breathing, An Xiangrong gently pulled her hand away from Gu Mingyu's.

Carefully sitting up in bed, An Xiangrong helped tuck the man back under the blanket.

The hospital room was a suite, with Gu Mingyu and An Xiangrong in one room, while An Wei was quietly playing on the computer in the outer room. Seeing An Xiangrong emerge, he put down the laptop.

"Weiwei, stay here with dad for a while. Mom needs to go out."

"Mom, are you going to see Uncle John?"


Seeing An Xiangrong nodding, An Wei couldn't help but ask, "Mom, dad will be okay, won't he?"

Upon hearing An Wei's words, An Xiangrong's eyes reflected concern, but seeing the worry in her son's eyes, she nodded, bent down, and gently caressed An Wei's head. She spoke softly, "Yes, your dad will certainly be all right."

While speaking, there was a firmness in An Xiangrong's voice, however, it was uncertain whether these words were for An Wei or for herself.