Approaching An Xiangrong's side, seeing her getting ready to stand, the man directly held her and handed her the cup of water on the table, "Drink some water."

An Xiangrong took the water cup from the man's hand and took a small sip. Seeing that she didn't drink anymore, Gu Mingyu took the cup and put it on the table.

"Did Zhang Kai come to see you?"


After simply relating the events, An Xiangrong continued, "I think his attitude was quite good, so I agreed to him. However, I did mention whether we can cooperate or not would still depend on your decision."

"How did you find his proposal?"

"You have a look."

As he spoke, Gu Mingyu handed An Xiangrong the file on the table. Leaning against the man, An Xiangrong directly opened the file. As An Group wasn't involved in the decor business, An Xiangrong didn't have a clear awareness of its market trends.