Chapter 521: The Child Has Been Taken Away

Hearing An Xiangrong's words, Gu Mingyu cooed softly, recalling advice from Xiao Han earlier, and restrained An Xiangrong.

The crowd once gathered had dispersed, even Liu Xi had distanced herself, joking about how pregnant women's mood is unpredictable.

"I want to eat now."

An Xiangrong knew she shouldn't overeat, but for some reason, at this moment, she couldn't control her temper.

Hearing An Xiangrong's words, Gu Mingyu frowned. An Xiangrong thought the man was about to lose his temper but Gu Mingyu handed her the tableware in his hands instead, "Go ahead and eat. Later, let's take a walk together, alright?"


When she'd heard previously about mood swings in pregnant women, An Xiangrong didn't understand. Now when she was the one experiencing it, she completely believed it. Hearing Gu Mingyu's words, she instantly smiled.

However, An Xiangrong still took Xiao Han's words to heart and stopped eating after a few bites.