Chapter 1 002 The Man in the Darkness is a Mystery._1

"Sit down. You can remove the blindfold now." The voice of the noble lady resounded, dignified yet not lacking tenderness.

Unable to wait any longer, Lin Xiangwan removed the blindfold. It was terrifying to see nothing at all!

Yet what awaited her was still a room of darkness where she couldn't see her own hand in front of her.

The room was pitch black with no lights turned on. The curtains were tightly drawn; it felt chilly and forbidding.

Thankfully, a masculine fragrance subtly snuck into her nostrils – a delightful fruitwood scent that comforted her somewhat.

She quietly sought out this scent, wanting to breathe in more of it – as if that somehow made her a little less frightened.

"Too dark for you, isn't it? According to our agreement, you can't see who my grandson is!" the lofty old woman asked.

"You're overthinking. I don't want to see who your grandson is, either. If he looks ugly, I'd feel more horrified. Who wants to sleep with a hideous creature anyway!" Lin Xiangwan spoke in despair and sorrow.

" grandson isn't ugly. He's very handsome. Do you know why I don't let you see his face? It's because I fear you would become infatuated with him and refuse to leave!" The old woman's aloof facade was replaced by indignation. Her grandson was the best – she couldn't tolerate anyone disparaging him.

"I don't have any interest in men - be it Tang Sheng or Pigsy from Journey to The West. It doesn't matter."

The only man she loved in her life was Song Yichen; she wouldn't even spare a glance at anyone else.

Thinking of Song Yichen, Lin Xiangwan's heart tore again, filling her with agony.

After tonight, she would never be with Song Yichen again!

She couldn't bear to face him with her now tainted body.

"'re the one who's a Pigsy. All your family are Pigsies!" the old woman angrily retorted.

Lin Xiangwan turned towards the direction of the voice. "I never said your grandson was a Pigsy, why are you angry?"

Even though she had no family, she didn't appreciate being cursed like that.

"I'm saying you're Pigsy. What then?" the old woman yelled crazily.

"If you're this unsatisfied with me, find someone else to bear your grandson. Make sure you don't accidentally end up with a little Pigsy." Lin Xiangwan lost her temper. A cornered rabbit may bite, let alone she's no rabbit.

Why should she always be bossed around in this business of mutual demand?

She didn't think her status had to be that low.

"Hey, where are you going?" The old woman dashed towards the shadow, grabbing her urgently.

"I'm leaving, I'm not doing this deal!"

"You can't!" The old woman clutched her even tighter. "Don't forget, you've already taken my money."

"I can return your money!"

"No need to return the money, You're doing this job no matter what. I've already given my grandson the medication. What would he do if you're not here?"

"What could you do if I refuse? Don't forget, nowadays the one who owes money is the boss." Actually, how could she afford to refund?

Unless she really doesn't want Song Yichen to live!

But in this transaction, she must maintain her own dignity.

Seeing that she had already sold her dignity, the little that remained had to be held on to.

One casual sentence stabbed at the old woman's weakness, softening her attitude. "Don't be mad anymore. I said the wrong things!"

Lin Xiangwan did not sound much forgiving. "You're forcing me to concede. Your attitude doesn't seem sincere at all. Forget it, go find someone else. I'll return the money to you!"

"Alright, alright! I'm Pigsy. My entire family is Pigsy. Are you satisfied now?" The elderly lady swallowed her anger and conceded.

That's more like it. Only for her grandson would she bear it.

Satisfied, Lin Xiangwan sat back on the bed.

Once the old woman saw her calm down, she took a sigh of relief. "Alright, prepare yourself so it won't hurt too much later."

"I'm ready!" Lin Xiangwan said, steeling herself.

Seeing her seemingly fearless face, the old woman couldn't help but worry. "How did you prepare exactly?" Damn! She had better not be planning to harm her grandson?

She needed to know all the details.

"Band-aids, gauze. I took a painkiller before coming here!" Lin Xiangwan answered concisely.

After hearing her preparations, the grandmother was flustered. "Didn't I give you a video to study yesterday? Did you watch it?"

"Video? I watched it. It was just a cooking video!"

The old woman became even more puzzled. "How could it be a cooking video?"

"A woman holding a purple eggplant in one hand and a green cucumber in the other. How is that not a cooking video?" Lin Xiangwan questioned matter-of-factly.

The woman in the video was bizarrely dressed, clothed in only a white apron and nothing else.

Was it because of the summer heat?

The old woman was so frustrated that she gritted her teeth. She wanted to rage but didn't dare to, so she could only grumble. "So you didn't watch all of it, did you?"

"I don't like cooking. I have no interest in it!" The twenty-year-old Lin Xiangwan responded matter-of-factly.

She didn't dislike cooking, but she didn't want them to treat her like a maid.

Why else would the old woman give her a cooking video to watch?

"So, you didn't finish it!" The old woman sighed helplessly. "In that case, don't blame me if it hurts later!"

Although she had never had the experience, she had heard about the first time. Lin Xiangwan gulped, asking apprehensively, "Is it really going to hurt?"

"The pain is inevitable at the beginning. Try to relax as much as you can. If you relax, it won't hurt much. But if you are too nervous, it will. Remember to relax!" The physical examination revealed that the girl was still a virgin.

Though it was a bit troubling, a virgin was still better!

"...Understood!" How was she supposed to relax? Deep breathing? Lin Xiangwan began silently thinking!

"Moreover, you must be proactive later. Get it over with. Don't forget, I will only pay you the remaining 100,000 yuan after you get pregnant!" The old woman reminded.

"Well, then bring him here quickly!" Lin Xiangwan thought. Whether she got ready or not, it was like being stabbed.

Better be done with it quickly. The more she waited, the more nervous she felt!

Soon, the door to the room opened again. It was still pitch black.

Lin Xiangwan could only vaguely sense two silhouettes approaching her. With a 'thud,' a figure collapsed onto the bed.

Before she could understand what was happening, the grandmother and the other person had already left the room.

The room suddenly fell silent!

"Huff...huff..." The person on the bed was panting heavily. His deep breaths seemed alarmingly loud.

Lin Xiangwan couldn't help but feel anxious!