Chapter 1 020 Dad is Having an Affair_1

Lin Xiangwan was not a fool, so she could certainly detect his mockery. "I have no choice, I'm poor and counting on selling this plot for a good price. Right now, I'm not making money, but losing it. What else can I do, with no connections or background, if I don't act as a nail-householder?"

"How long do you think you can hold out? I just took a walk around and found that all the facade shops on your street have agreed to relocate, leaving only your shop refusing to move!" Qin Muchuan pointed around.

"What? They all have agreed to move?" Lin Xiangwan was taken aback, quickly heading out to inquire with neighboring shop owners.

The breakfast shop owner said, "I don't know either. We just rent the place and the landlord said we have to move!"

The convenience store owner said, "My lease isn't even up yet. But the landlord agreed to compensate for my loss and asked me to move out as soon as possible!"