033 Imitation Leather Invitation_1

Lin Xiangwan, who was at work, received a call from Song Yichen.

She knocked on the door and walked into the office. "Mr. Song, you wanted to see me?"

As soon as she entered, the air was thick with smoke, making her eyes tear up.

Yichen, slouched in a leather chair, stubbed out his lit cigarette in an ashtray and motioned to a seat opposite him. "Sit!"

"Cough, cough..." Xiangwan began to cough, and she looked at him anxiously. "You're not in good health, smoking so much is just reckless!"

"I'm fine, in fact my health is great!" Yichen responded with a smile.

However, his smile only made him look more haggard: unkempt hair, creased clothes, a stained white shirt, gloomy cheeks, dull eyes laced with bloodshot strands. He looked messy, something he'd never been.

"Didn't sleep well last night?" Xiangwan asked out of concern.

"Had to entertain!"

"Did you drink too much?"

"Indeed, I did," Yichen barely nodded and immediately felt a splitting headache. His cheeks flushed.