046 Narrow Road of Enemies_1

"Why wouldn't it be me? I just called you!" Lin Xiangwan replied irritably.

Qin Muchuan lightly massaged his dizzied forehead. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Are you the one who framed Hu Sen and got him arrested?" Lin Xiangwan widened her eyes, immediately labeling him a 'criminal suspect'.

Drunk, Qin Muchuan pondered for a few seconds, his brow furrowed, "Do you think I have a lot of free time every day?"

Lin Xiangwan gave him a sarcastic smile, her eyes full of contempt. "Do you think you are not idle? If you're not idle, how do you have the time to play around with me for such a long time?"

"Play around with you?" Qin Muchuan scoffed coldly. ""Miss Lin, can I suspect that you~ have always had a high opinion of yourself?"

Lin Xiangwan felt extremely awkward after being ridiculed. "Are you implying that I'm flattering myself? Are you implying that you weren't playing me at the beginning? What were you really up to?"