060 Face Collision_1

Lin Haoran couldn't help but knit his brow: did he and Tongtong look alike because she only had a dad?

Could they be siblings?

No no, Lin Haoran hurriedly dismissed the idea that popped into his head: it was already quite a coincidence that the two of them looked exactly alike, it was impossible for anything more surprising to happen.

Besides, wouldn't having her as his wife be better than having her as a sister? He still has plans of marrying into a rich family!

Deciding not to overthink it any longer, Lin Haoran readied himself to turn off the lights and sleep.

Only when the lights are off can he remove his glasses.

Wearing sunglasses is much cooler than not wearing them!

Qin Yutong wanted to see Lin Haoran's face, but he kept his glasses on, leaving her with very few opportunities to do so.

She had also worn her glasses, but if he asked her to take them off, what was she supposed to say?