104 Revealing the Secret_1

Lin Xiangwan blinked and took a deep breath. "Let's not talk about work for now, let's talk about something else, okay?"

Song Yichen froze in disbelief, looking at her intensely.

Only after noticing her completely calm demeanor did he relax his expression slightly.

"Okay, Wanwan. Whatever you want to talk about, let's talk about it," Song Yichen said as he raised his arms to put around her shoulders, hoping to pull her into his arms.

Lin Xiangwan dodged his move sensitively. "Mr. Song, your action towards me is a bit inappropriate, don't you think?"

Song Yichen's arms stiffened in embarrassment and he put them down. "Wanwan..."

"It's okay. It's her whom you love, I can understand!" Lin Xiangwan bowed her head and wept.

She had intended to pretend to cry, but unexpectedly, she ended up crying for real, shedding heartfelt tears.

She had given so much for so many years, and in return, she'd gotten nothing but a stab in the back.