115 Unscrupulous Sister_1

"Pfft… "Almost choking on the crab meat she finally got into her mouth, Lin Xiangwan barely held herself back at the critical moment.

Did grandma trick him by mixing in medication?

Or maybe alcohol?

Why did it match the description of... her beloved son's father's behaviour?

Qin Muchuan, thinking her reaction was just because she was scared, had no idea that she was putting two and two together.

"Hard to believe, isn't it?"

Lin Xiangwan forced herself to swallow, took a sip of lemon water to calm her shock. Once she regained some composure, she carefully asked, "Why did your grandmother do this? Because you're a flirt and don't want to get married?"

Seemingly disliking the term 'flirt', Qin Muchuan scrunched up his nose. "No, I admit I also like beautiful women, but I've never been unfaithful, at least not when I was in my mid-twenties..."