154 Child Custody_1

Lin Xiangwan felt a tingle of unease in her heart. She stared at Qin Muchuan guardedly, "You're not planning on using your power to manipulate the DNA results, claiming they're not my children, are you?"

Qin Muchuan gaped at her, and then retorted coldly, "Do you really think I would stoop so low as to misuse my power on this matter? Relax, I'm not that despicable."

Finished speaking, he chuckled self-deprecatingly. "Besides, I couldn't do that. I refuse to make decisions that my child will grow up to hate me for! I will respect the results from the hospital!"

Lin Xiangwan finally felt somewhat relieved; he shouldn't be able to deceive her. "Alright. We will discuss further once we have the results!", she exclaimed.

After a comprehensive DNA test, the results were issued to Lin Xiangwan and Qin Muchuan two weeks later.

Without a doubt, Lin Xiangwan was the mother of the twins. Qin Muchuan was their father. Lin Haoran and Qin Yutong were definitely twins!