163 Battle for Child9_1

Before Lin Xiangwan had spoken her piece, she called over a waiter. "Get this gentleman another glass of ice water!"

"Huh?" Qin Muchuan looked at her in confusion.

Lin Xiangwan, like a female warrior ready for battle, looked at him with steely determination. "You'll see in a moment!"

Soon, the iced water was brought over and gently placed on the table.

Only then did Lin Xiangwan start. "Why must you marry me? Is it because you don't want to give up your rights to the child? Well, I don't want to be separated from the child either, so it seems I must marry you!"

"Hehe..." Qin Muchuan let out a derisive laugh. "Don't you get my point? I'm asking you why you think I should definitely marry you!"

Lin Xiangwan stared unblinking at his self-deprecating expression. "Because if you don't marry me, I will take you to court, I will let the whole world know of Ranran and Tongtong's existence, let everyone know they're your children... Do you want them to be placed in danger?"