172 Brush Teeth Nonstop_1

Fortunately, her son was very cooperative and didn't listen to his dad at all.

"Yeah, I'll fall if I lie on the edge, I don't want to!" Lin Haoran parked himself stubbornly. Um...he hadn't had enough of his cozy spot yet!

Qin Muchuan was really gritting his teeth with vexation, but he still opted for persuasion. "Haoran, let's switch spots now, and then… Daddy will buy you a toy tomorrow, okay?"

But before the child could reply, Lin Xiangwan loudly disallowed, "No, you cannot bribe a child with toys. Doing so will spoil the child!"

Lin Haoran was now somewhat tempted to defect and quietly asked, "Daddy, what toy will you buy me?"

Qin Muchuan loudly declared, "Whatever you want, Daddy will buy for you!"

Lin Haoran turned to his mother, with a wheedling tone he suggested, "Mom, how about I sleep between you and dad tomorrow?"