186 Small Bird Depends on People_1

Shen Hanqian didn't leave him any room for argument, she boldly said, "Because he is my husband. Even if our relationship is not good, he is legally my man and it's only natural that I spend his money!"

Xiao Qingcang's pent-up anger was immediately ignited, but finding nowhere to vent it, the surge of anger burned harder within him. His face gradually turned ugly, the atmosphere in the car increasingly heavy.

When Shen Hanqian saw that he was angry, she finally felt satisfied. "Isn't what I said right?" she asked softly.

"Yes!" he spat out through gritted teeth.

Shen Hanqian smiled at the perfect moment, and leaned lightly on his arm, with a coquettish charm. "But I would rather spend your money. I'm looking forward to the day it happens. I'll swipe your card so recklessly!"

Xiao Qingcang's face noticeably improved, it wasn't so sullen anymore, a hint of warmth finally seeping through.