The Heart That is Eager to Move_1

Lin Xiangwan shared with her friend about the subtle beginnings and transformations between her and Qin Muchuan.

Shen Hanqian listened to it all and seemed somewhat melancholic. "So, had he not known you were the mother of the child, perhaps you would have already started dating!"

"Perhaps there was a possibility. He felt affection and trust for me at that time. The trust continues, but the affection seems gone!"

"But he's still good to you!" Shen Hanqian couldn't help but analyze her friend's problem with her husband. "Perhaps... you're just missing some spark!"

"No, my actions have already been too extreme, so extreme that he won't possibly want to progress any further with me!" Lin Xiangwan said with a clear understanding of the situation.

So he might be very good to her now, but not in the serious, forward-moving way he was before. Although he is very interested in her and wants her, he might be simply reacting to a basic male instinct.