195 Restless Heart7_1

Lin Xiangwan looked up but wasn't sure which floor to go to. "Oh, I have an appointment with the CEO's secretary!"

She tactfully stated, worried that if she said she was here to see the CEO, she might be kicked out.

"You're here for our CEO's secretary?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiangwan bluffed. "I'm here to deliver lunch…"

The receptionist thought for a moment. "Then you may go up!"

"Which floor is the secretary on?"

"Twenty-second floor!"

"Oh, okay!"

Lin Xiangwan smiled discreetly and swiftly walked into the elevator!

As the elevator ascended, Lin Xiangwan couldn't help but wonder what kind of person Qin Muchuan's secretary would be?

A beauty probably, in her twenties, and definitely the cool type.

Not too flashy, but also not too serious.

A pleasure for the eyes of any man, no doubt?

At this thought, Lin Xiangwan felt a little indignant, examining herself in the elevator mirror.