209 Cuisine Current_1

Xiao Qingyu only watched his friend in silence, smiling without speaking. After all, they've been best friends from birth, so how could he not understand what was going on in his mind?

Wasn't it just a simple squabble? Wasn't he just feeling perplexed when he perceived that the woman didn't like him? Felt like he lost face?

In a spousal relationship, just because two people are at odds doesn't mean there is no love. Perhaps the feeling of love is even stronger. But if there's no conflict at all, even if the husband is aware of his wife's extramarital affairs and yet he feels nothing, then that is the greatest tragedy of marriage!

The classic ringtone of an iPhone rang, making someone's expression tense.

After considering for a moment, Qin Muchuan eventually answered the call.

No sooner had he picked up, than he could hear her voice. It was timid but trying to sound casual. "Where are you?" she asked.