214 Mysterious Woman Exposed_1

Qin Muchuan saw through her intention, and he couldn't help but find it amusing. "So you want to manage my gambling funds for me?"

Lin Xiangwan nodded. "Your gambling funds are eight million a week, and that's tax-free. That's pure profit. It's a bit too much, isn't it? Eight million is enough to buy a great house. That's a lot of wealth. So you should give me your gambling funds from now on. I can manage them for you. You should really have someone to help you with the finances, shouldn't you? For example, I can buy stocks, invest in property, buy gold with the money, and then you'll have even more gambling funds. When you want to gamble, you just ask me for money. That's much better, isn't it? We have to systematize things~"

How could Qin Muchuan not hear the irony in her words? Watching her alternately squint and widen her eyes in surprise, he couldn't help feeling amused.

Without any hesitation, he placed a card in her hand.