231 Marriage Contract_1

Long strands of hair naturally fell over her face, covering Lin Xiangwan's cheeks as she glanced up casually.

There were not many people here who knew her, and she didn't have any... acquaintances... acquaintances...

She couldn't help but fix her gaze on the middle-aged man in front of her—a man with a plump figure, swollen belly, short legs, balding head, and large glasses obscuring half of his face.

Xie Zhimin, a deputy mayor in Jiangcheng City, the older man who had always coveted her!

Wow...what a coincidence. Was this lecherous old man really sent by God to help her?

Lin Xiangwan turned pale at the sight. Each time she saw this old man, she felt like vomiting!

"Miss Lin, I didn't expect to meet you here. Ah... the girls at Sheraton had been telling me that you had resigned and moved to B City! It seems we have some common luck, I just arrived in B City this afternoon and ran into you!" Xie Zhimin sidled up to Lin Xiangwan, sitting close to her.