The scary thing is your heart_1

Zhou Ziqing laughed. "Actually, you didn't need to bring so much food. I have plenty here!"

Lin Xiangwan pulled the two children closer. "Tongtong, Ranran, say hello to Auntie Zhou!"

"Hello, Auntie Zhou!"

"Hello, Auntie Zhou!"

The two children, hand in hand, greeted Zhou Ziqing as if they were trained to do so.

Zhou Ziqing, watching them, couldn't hide the envy in her eyes. "So good, so good..."

Her words seemed more like a monologue to herself than something said to the children.

Seeing Zhou Ziqing not showing an apparent affection to the children who were gazing at her with wide eyes, Lin Xiangwan felt a bit awkward. "Ziqing, these are my two children!"

Zhou Ziqing, as if awakened from her thoughts, reached out to touch the children's faces. "Identical, so good, it's amazing!"

Only then did the two children seem a bit happier.