CEO 284, working 24 hours straight_1

"What's he so busy with? There's a meeting today and all the directors are already here, but he hasn't arrived yet!" The assistant asked anxiously.

"Ah..." Butler Liu let out a particularly helpless sigh.

Sigh, besides sighing, what else could she say?

"Aunt Liu, what on earth is the CEO busy with? Is it important?" The assistant asked again.

Butler Liu's face turned even redder due to the pressing questions. This kid was too inexperienced to understand what could possibly occupy someone so early in the morning.

How was she supposed to explain that?

"Aunt Liu!"

"Oh, he's busy... He is arguing with his wife!", Butler Liu blurted out in desperation.

"Arguing? What could possibly be so important to argue about? Is it more important than the meeting?" The assistant complained in surprise. "The CEO was not like this before; he always put work first!"

"Oh dear, what's so strange about that? Things are different now, aren't they? The CEO is married!"