290 Returnee Boyfriend_1

"Yes!" The assistant took over and complained, "The CEO asked me to prepare the contract as soon as possible for the development project he wants to start immediately. I prepared it today, but he hasn't come to sign it yet. The loan officer from the bank is going out of town tomorrow. Today they called me and said that if they don't get the contract tonight, they can't get it approved until ten days later! I'm urgently looking for the CEO!"

Lin Xiangwan was shocked. Was this software worth developing? She knew it wasn't!

"I just called him, but nobody answered!" Lin Xiangwan shook the apple in her hand.

"What should we do then?"

"Why don't you leave the contract here? He'll see it in the evening!"

"I guess that's the only option!" The assistant left the contract and walked away.

Lin Xiangwan was too shocked to say anything. After sitting down on the sofa, she picked up the contract again.

She carefully read through the plan step by step.