Born in Rage 299_1

Watching the car constantly shaking, they just wouldn't look away?

Qin Muchuan really wanted to kick both of them.

"Yes, yes, yes..."

The two men who were already drenched in sweat ran away in a flurry of fear and embarrassment.

The cold wind blew by, making Lin Xiangwan shiver, with tears covering her face.

She withdrew anxiously into his coat, quietly weeping.

How could he do this to her?

Qin Muchuan rolled down the car window, blew out a few smoke rings, discarded the cigarette, and rolled the window back up.

At this point, the air inside the car had become noticeably colder.

The faint sound of crying coming from beneath his clothes could not help but fill Qin Muchuan's heart with remorse.

He glanced at her irritably. "Crying? You cry now? Why cry? Do you find yourself pathetic?"

Lin Xiangwan seemed drained of all energy to even squirm. She whispered an insult through the clothes. "Qin Muchuan, you're not human, you're a madman!"