322 Wanwan's New Inspiration_1

"But... there must be lots of this kind of shop!" Qin Muchuan considered before speaking. "But when it comes to the food business, having more similar products isn't necessarily a bad thing, the more options can attract more customers. However, you must have the skills to make your taste the best!"

"Mmmm..." Lin Xiangwan thought while eating. "I have a sharp tongue. I can tell just from one bite what kind of seasoning they put in their food. The key to this kind of fast food is sweet and spicy flavor. Adjusting the taste a bit won't go wrong!"

Seeing her determined expression, Qin Muchuan couldn't help but furrow his brows. "Are you that confident about your taste? I have my doubts about that!"

Lin Xiangwan scrunched her nose. "What are you doubting? My tongue is really sharp! You must think my cooking is terrible, right? Don't blame me for that. I'm the kind who can talk about and eat food, but can't cook!"