345 Unnatural Hang Up Call_1

The question from Qin Muchuan left Lin Xiangwan red-faced. What on Earth was he talking about?

She gave him a kick underneath the table and muttered, "When did Su Yueze start liking me? That's totally untrue!"

Qin Muchuan furrowed his brows and retorted, "That's not true. He's always said he liked you! Don't you want to know who he really likes?"

Lin Xiangwan shook her head. "No!"

Qin Muchuan had already seen through her. "You don't mean that. It must feel different to have someone who admires you, right? Yet I know that it's impossible between you two. Su Yueze wouldn't dare make a move on my woman. I just want to know who he truly loves!"

Qin Muchuan was truly in a playful mood today!

Lin Xiangwan was speechless at this man. What was he thinking?

Did he feel proud to have his wife admired by another excellent man?

Did it satisfy his ego?

That could be the only explanation!