360 Publicity Must Have Value_1

"You don't get good stuff cheap, and nothing good comes cheap!" Lin Xiangwan said, her expression frozen and her gaze unwavering.

"Hehe..." Shen Hanqian laughed joyously again. "See, Su Yueze? It's not just me saying this, right? You're always going on about freebies and bringing your own this and that. That sales tactic doesn't fly with us. We women aren't looking to bargain hunt at the market. We relish treasures not freebies. Seeking the right man is even harder and requires more scrutiny than shopping at Victoria's Secret. Any slight issue and we'll decline. What if we catch a disease, what then?"

Lin Xiangwan murmured through gritted teeth, "Exactly, when choosing a man, we must select those who exhibit inner beauty strictly, without any compromise. We don't like to buy cheap; our inner beauty is the most expensive. For instance, we'd rather invest in precious inner beauty and would never settle for cheap appearances."