369 Fully victorious2_1

Lin Xiangwan looked at Qin Muchuan with immense sorrow. "I know everything now, Qin Muchuan, you sure are something!"

"Wanwan..." Qin Muchuan grabbed her arm.

Lin Xiangwan gave him a cold and utterly disappointed look. "Don't call me by that name ever again, you don't deserve it!"

Qin Muchuan understood that this time Lin Xiangwan had truly misunderstood and was genuinely upset. "Whether I deserve it or not, I am still your husband, and I've only set my heart on you for a lifetime!"

"What a joke, just because you've set your heart on me, do I have to reciprocate?" Lin Xiangwan scoffed. "Qin Muchuan, when you betrayed me, you should have known what to expect. If you can hurt me, I can't just stand still waiting for you. You can see other people, so can I!"

"How dare you!" Qin Muchuan angrily challenged, clasping her arm tightly, not letting her leave.

Although his grip was tight, he did not squeeze her as hard as before, it wasn't like he was trying to break her wrist.