375 becomes the object of envy_1

But he did not pay attention to any of it; he never considered why she might be unhappy.

He simply assumed she was being petulant, acting willful, and barged into the bedroom every day.

She resisted, but he was very persistent!

She admitted, she didn't actually dislike him coming back to the room; in fact, she even hoped for him to return, but they really lacked any substantial emotional connection.

She awaited his care and attention, but he never gave it; she was getting more and more upset, her mood growing increasingly bleak.

In her mind, images of Zhou Ziqing kept appearing. She thought about that pitiful child, pondering the role Qin Muchuan played in their lives.

Was he just as tender and careful with them as he was with her and their children?

If so, even if nothing happened between him and Zhou Ziqing, she couldn't stand it!

"Ma'am, where are you going this late afternoon?" Butler Liu caught up and asked.

"Just strolling around!"

"Out shopping?"
