389 Duoduo's dad is you2_1

"My daughter? Hmph!" Zhou Ziqing scoffed, turned on the light, and picked up the child!

The man followed her in this time. As soon as Duoduo saw the man, she began to cry!

The man looked quite displeased and frowned at Zhou Ziqing. "Tell your daughter not to cry at me, it's bad luck!"

There is a folk saying that if a child cries when seeing someone, it means that person is about to die!

He is in the prime of his life and does not want to die so soon.

"Duoduo, don't cry, don't cry at him. Otherwise, he might die!" Zhou Ziqing told her child.

Hearing that, the man got even angrier. "What are you saying?"

Zhou Ziqing turned to look at him. "What do you want me to say? What do you want me to tell her? Didn't you say it's bad luck if she cries at you? I don't want her to cry at you either!"

The man, unable to argue with her, decided not to stoop to her level. "I'm leaving!"