401 Wolves Appeared2_1

"I must not suffer the slightest harm!" She continued to demand.

"I won't let a hair on your head be harmed!" He assured firmly.

"Are you serious?"

"One hundred percent!" Qin Muchuan was confident.

Lin Xiangwan realized that she couldn't let him remain shirtless, especially if there were wolves around, he couldn't be improperly dressed, could he?

If he were to be clawed by a wolf, or bitten by a dog, it would be gory!

For her husband's safety, and to prevent any mishaps, or at least to spare him the embarrassment in case of accidents, she stepped away so he could get dressed.

Given the chance to cover up, Qin Muchuan quickly picked up his clothes from the ground. He moved with such lightness that even standing next to him, she could barely hear a sound.

Lin Xiangwan marveled at his poise. She guessed this must be the result of years of training.

Once Qin Muchuan had finished dressing, he took Lin Xiangwan and stood beside a large tree, using it to shield their bodies.