423 Life encounters everywhere2_1

However, before she could say anything, Zhou Ziqing spoke again. "Qianqian, I'm serious. I had some medical friends in America, and I remember one of their studies being about the impact of breakfast emotions on your day and your health."

"Oh, I get all that, your mood in the morning is quite important!" Lin Xiangwan said immediately to prove her knowledge.

"Exactly, did you know? Their study found that those who don't eat breakfast well are 50 times more likely to get pancreatic cancer and gallstones than those who eat breakfast normally. If you're in a bad mood while eating in the morning, you're more prone to severe depression, particularly for females, who are more susceptible to breast cancer or cervical cancer. For children, their growth, height, and IQ can be seriously affected!" Zhou Ziqing explained.

Lin Xiangwan's fear increased with Zhou Ziqing's words, even though she was aware of all this from before.