431 Give You Some Color to See2_1

The latter remained unmoved, sitting back down in the chair, her face expressionless as she looked at the hairdresser in the mirror. "Is my hair finished?"

The boss resumed cutting her hair at a leisurely pace. "Of course not!"

"Then go on!" Lin Xiangwan remained expressionless.

She did not show any happiness despite her recent victory.

However, the boss found himself impressed by the woman before him. "You're quite formidable, like a female gang leader!"

There still was not a trace of a smile on Lin Xiangwan's face. Instead, she looked annoyed. "Did I disgrace myself, and are people... looking down on me?"

"Of course not, I think you were very brave!"

"Huh..." Lin Xiangwan smirked a little, but her face still betrayed her unhappiness. "I think I went a bit too far, I shouldn't have been so rude. If she wanted to curse at me, I could've just pretended not to hear!"

"Could you hear it?" the boss asked.