441 Meat flew away_1

Grandma was very wealthy, and quite fond of treating those around her with her money.

If she offers to reward you, you should accept gratefully, otherwise, she'd be unhappy.

This much she'd learned years ago.

As expected, the grandmother looked delighted. "It all depends on your performance then!"

"Then I'll get started right away!" Lin Xiangwan, noticing that the kitchen staff had nearly finished preparing dinner and a spot in the kitchen had opened up, immediately headed over there!

"La la la..." she casually hummed a tune.

She thought to herself: Not bad, not bad, doing some housework and getting a reward for it, I like cooking even more now.

Qin Muchuan, who had just knocked off work, also came to the kitchen and whispered in her ear, "Knowing your own weaknesses, why take this risk!"

Lin Xiangwan furrowed her brows, glaring at him discontentedly. "What do you mean my weakness? How is cooking a weakness of mine?"

"Don't you realize it?" Qin Muchuan asked loudly.